Experienced Automotiv Engineer. Now retired and working at https://hostsharing.net as a hostmaster. Starting on a VAXstation in 1986. First contact with UNIX in 1989 on AIX. Later on using FEM-Software on Unix systems (AIX, IRIX, HPUX). Starting with Linux in 1999. First Debian Installation => Potato. ATM (co)maintaining some Debian packages: (https://udd.debian.org/dmd/?riesebie%40lxtec.de#todo)

Accepted Talks:

Building the Cooperative Community Cloud with Debian

Purpose of the talk

  • The talk will cover the technical architecture of the redundancy
    infrastructure and the managed operation platform architecture
    of a highly flexible hosting environment. It will focus on the
    benefits of Debian for small and medium sized hosting providers.
  • For people interested on how Debian can perfectly provide a
    software system for webhosting.
  • Exchange of experiences with Debian’s high availability
    maintainers is highly appreciated!

Cooperative Cloud Computing

  • Hostsharing eG, founded in 2000, is a cooperative that provides
    Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service for about
    300 members. The membership includes a wide range of users from
    individuals and freelance developers to small and medium
    enterprises and organisations. High Performance, High
    Availability, Data Security and Data Protection are key mainstays
    to the success of the cooperative together with digital
    sovereignty, sustainability and excellence. The Cooperative
    Community Cloud of Hostsharing is entirely based on Debian.

Cooperative Cloud Computing

How is it done?

  • The fundamental building block of the hosting system are
    redundancy groups consisting of several servers.
  • Virtualization is done with KVM.
  • The OS is installed on a kernel-based softraid xfs filesystem.
  • The member specific data is located at a Open ZFS (ZOL).
  • Backups are organized via a DRBD-System and a ZFS-Send-Receive
    System via zrepl (not yet distributed by Debian Repos).
  • There are several administration applications which are developed
    by the hostmasters.
  • Debian software packages and some defaults are distributed by